Page 30 - Cosmos Edition 3
P. 30


          Smart clothes are likely to become a milestone in the healthcare segment. I remember vis-
          iting patients in hospitals frustrated and perturbed by wires and cables connected all over

          their body for monitoring the patient’s health. They are the need of the hour in the
          healthcare segment. While a lot of monitoring systems still rely on connecting the wires
                                              to the body parts for monitoring health, smart clothes

                                              have been developed by a European team. The smart
                                              clothes have embedded sensing devices that collect data

                                              via bio-signals in the clothes and connect it to the mobile.
                                              This helps the doctors to keep a check on the patient’s
                                              health and be there virtually.

          The clothes are comfortable, trendy and help in monitoring the heartbeat of the patient
          along with body temperature and breathing. This, in turn, reduces the need for visiting

          the doctor’s clinic for regular check-ups. The e-textile or
          smart clothes reduce the cost of relying on expensive

          The smart clothes can easily track the chronic
          conditions of the wearer and notify the doctor in case of


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