Page 32 - Cosmos Edition 3
P. 32

CIBOPHOBIA- fear of food

           As misinformation about food proliferates on social media and online, it is more im-
           portant than ever to counter these myths with science based evidence. Most of the infor-
           mation related to food shared across the world doesn’t have any scientific relevance.

           Since food is an important factor required for our survival, it is always an interesting top-
           ic of discussion. People blindly believe in anything being shared without realizing the
           negative impacts. In the context of an eating disorder, the person’s perception of a food
           being ‘bad’ may relate to the fear that eating it will result in immediate weight gain or in
           overeating which brings with it a feeling of a loss of control. Attempting to follow a per-
           fect diet can lead someone to become inflexible about food. This often result in social
           isolation as they choose not to take part in social gathering fearing the encounter of the
           foods. The busy lifestyles and hectic work schedules has an adverse effect on the health
           of every individual. However commercial companies stated taking advantage of this situa-

           tion and started manufacturing products adapting to people’s healthy lifestyle. To in-
           crease the market value of their product, it has become a common trend to create a fear
           among people by saying not to consume a particular food by associating its consumption
           with dreadful diseases like cancer. People started fearing each and every food. The food
           which has to be consumed with pleasure has become a fear. If this situation continues
           our future generation will be at high risk of developing various diseases. Hence people
           should act wisely. They should validate every information they receive through social me-
           dia before applying it practically in their life. People should also stop spreading such mis-
           leading information without knowing its scientific basis. Healthy eating is not about strict
           dietary limitations, staying unrealistically thin, or depriving yourself of the foods you
           love. Rather, it’s about feeling great, having more energy, improving your health, and
           boosting your mood. Remember “you are what you eat”.

                                                                                                          Ms. Shruti Mukundan

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