Page 11 - Cosmos Edition 3
P. 11


         We have already been seeing adverse effects of climate change taking place on our planet.
         Some of these effects are listed as under:

            Rise in temperature (Global Warming)
            Rise in thunderstorms
            Rapid rise in the sea level
            Melting of Glaciers

         The above mentioned effects are known to the mankind since quite some time.  However,
         as per the recent studies and research, the climate change also affects the health of human
         beings. The impact is also seen on the babies who are still in their mother’s tummy.

         As per the report published in the journal of the American Heart Association, more babies
         born in a few years from now will have heart defects. These heart defects may be caused
         by  the  extreme  heat  brought  about  by  the  climate  change.  The  extreme  heat  can  cause

         damage to the cells of the baby in mother’s womb.

         As per the report, every year many new born babies in the USA are born with heart abnor-
         malities. But from 2025 onwards, there will be a rapid rise in the number of new born ba-
         bies born with heart defects. When the pregnant women are exposed to extreme heat, this
         causes high body temperature. In turn, the extremely high body temperature increases the
         risk of having babies with defects of heart, brain or spinal cord.

         This is very scary and all human beings need to worry about this big risk. Each human be-
         ing must take enough steps to control the climate change. We must work towards provid-

         ing a safe climate to the future generations.   -

                                                                                                                               Parva Parek
                                                                                                                               Class 6 / C

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