Page 8 - Cosmos Edition 3
P. 8

HoD’s write:

               Ms.Roshni Mazumdar  : HoD English

            Department of science has given their best to the student community through
            this  e-magazine
            " Science knows no country, because knowledge belongs to humanity, and is the
            torch which illuminates the world." Louis Pasteur

            In my opinion , developing the scientific temperament,  in our students is the
            need of the hour. In fact, our children are all natural scientists - watch them
            play and you will notice them working like scientists do! They begin to question,
            experiment, infer and unravel the myriad mysteries in nature.

            I congratulate the Department of Science for publishing this e -
            magazine and giving our little scientists an opportunity to ex-
            plore the fascinating world of science and thus, illuminate the

            Regards Roshni .

          Mr.Jagadeesh S Patil : HoD ICT

          Department of science has given their best to the student community
          through this  e-magazine– COSMOS  (a  system of thought)

          Science and Technology is extremely important in our day –to-day life
          because they have made our life simpler ,faster and more secure. While
          science is the study of physical and natural world, technology is the be-
          neficent application of the principles of science.
          Technology has made the imparting of education easier and more effi-

          I wish to extend my best wishes to this continuing educational initiative .

          Mr. Jagadeesh S.Patil

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