Page 23 - cosmos4
P. 23

Sunflowers are beautiful, and iconic for the way their giant yellow
             heads stand off against a bold blue sky. And of course, most of us
             love to munch on the seeds they produce. However, have you
             ever stopped to look at the pattern of seeds held within the center
             of these special flowers? Sunflowers are more than just beautiful
             food - they're also a mathematical marvel.

             The  pattern  of  seeds  within  a  sunflower  follows  the  Fibonacci

             sequence, or 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144..., in which

                                                                 each number in the
                                                                 sequence is the sum of the previous two
                                                                 numbers.  In  sunflowers,  the  spirals  you
                                                                 see in the centre are generated
                                                                 from this sequence -- there are two series
                                                                 of curves winding in opposite directions,
                                                                 starting at the centre and stretching out to

                                                                 the  petals,  with  each  seed  sitting  at  a
                                                                 certain  angle  from  the  neighbouring
                                                                 seeds to create the spiral.
                                                                 In order to optimize the filling of the seeds
                                                                 in the flower's centre, it is necessary to
             choose the most irrational number there is, that is to say, the one the least well
             approximated  by  a  fraction.  This  number  is  exactly  the  golden  mean.  The
             corresponding  angle,  the  golden  angle,  is  137.5  degrees...This  angle  has  to  be
             chosen  very  precisely:  variations  of  1/10  of  a  degree  destroy  completely  the
             optimization. When the angle is exactly the golden mean, and only this one, two
             families of spirals (one in each direction) are then visible: their numbers correspond
             to the numerator and denominator of one of the fractions which approximates the
             golden mean: 2/3, 3/5, 5/8, 8/13, 13/21, etc."A study published in Royal Society
             Open Science reports that nearly one in five of the flowers had either non-Fibonacci
             spiraling patterns or patterns more complicated than has ever been reported.
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