Page 18 - cosmos4
P. 18

More  than  10  million  people  have  been  infected  with  the  novel
             virus, with significant outbreaks in Italy, Iran and Spain, and 177

             deaths in the UK.

             On December 31, 2019, the World Health Organization’s (WHO) China office heard
             the first reports of a previously-unknown virus behind a number of pneumonia cases
             in Wuhan, a city in Eastern China with a population of over 11 million. What started
             as an epidemic mainly limited to China has now become a truly global pandemic. The
             disease has been detected in more than 150 countries and territories. In the UK, there
             have been more than 3,983 confirmed cases and 177 deaths as of March 20. A quick
             note on naming. Although popularly referred to as coronavirus, on February 11, the
             WHO announced the official name of the disease: Covid-19. The virus that causes
             that disease is likely to be called Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2,
             or Sars-CoV-2 for short, according to a draft paper from the International Committee
             on the Taxonomy of Viruses.

             WHO  Chief  Tedros  Adhanom  Ghebreyesus  has  warned  that  the  window  of

             opportunity to contain Covid-19 is "narrowing". Recent outbreaks in Italy and Iran,
             which  so  far  have  no  clear  link  to  China,  pose  a  significant  challenge  to  health
             authorities trying to stop the spread of the virus. After initially delaying the decision,
             on March 11, the WHO declared the Covid-19 outbreak a pandemic. The agency cited
             the rapid growth of cases outside of China and the global spread of the disease as
             reasons behind the designation. In January, it also declared the outbreak a "public
             health emergency of international concern" – the highest category of warning for an
             infectious disease outbreak.
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