Page 41 - Ankur Vol 2
P. 41


               Subhasittam are Sanskrit slokas that gives us useful insight into different aspects of life,
               beautifully composed into slokas. Here are few such slokas taken from different sources like
               Ramayana (रामायर्/ raamaayaNa), Mahabharata (महाभारत/ mahaabhaarata), Neeti Shatakam

               (नीततशतकम ्  / niitishakatam), Chanakya Neeti (चार्क्यनीतत) chaaNakyaniiti) etc.

                                         श्लोकाधेन प्रिक्ष्यामम यदुक्तं ग्रन्थकोदटमभुः ।

                                            परोपकारुः पुण्याय पापाय परपीिनम ्  ॥

                    What is stated by cores of volumes, I shall present by half a stanza -
                   'doing good to others is for merit and causing pain to others is for sin.'
                                         उद्यमेनैि मसध्यजन्त कायागखर् न मनोरथै: ।
                                        न दह सुप्तस्य मसंहस्य प्रविशजन्त मुखे मृर्ा: ॥

                                   Only with industry and effort are works done.
                                   Animals never themselve enter lion's mouth.

                                              1. Shloka- Chanakya Neethi

               Chanakya Neeti slokas are useful slokas composed by Chanakya (Kautalya), for our day-
               to-day life and environment. These slokas give us very valuable insight into society and political
               life. Even today these slokas have exactly the same value and meaning in our life as it was more
               than 2000 years back.

                           विद्ित्त्िं च नृपत्िं च नैि तुवयं कदाचन ।
                           स्िदेशे पूज्यते राजा विद्िान ्  सिगि पूज्यते ॥

               vidvata.n cha nRRipata.n cha naiva tulya.n kadaachana
               svadeshe puujyate raajaa vidvaan sarvatra puujyate
               Scholar and king are never comparable.
               King is worshipped in his country, but scholar is worshipped everywhere.

                         पाजण्िते च र्ुर्ाुः सिे मूखे दोर्षा दह के िलम ्  ।
                         तस्मान्मूखगसहस्रेर्षु प्राज्ञा एको विमशष्यते ॥

               paaNDite cha guNaaH sarve muurkhe doShaa hi kevalam
               tasmaanmuurkhasahasreShu praadnyaa eko vishiShyate

               noble people have all good qualities and fools have only bad qualities.
               So, people respect only one noble person instead of a thousand fools.

                                                                                          संकशलत – दीप्तांशु (6 -K)
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