Page 18 - Cosmos Edition 3
P. 18


                    Hydroponics is a method of growing plants without soil by using mineral
                   nutrient solutions in a water solvent. It is the fastest growing sector of ag-
                   riculture  and  in  future  it  could  very  well  dominate  the  food  production
                   sector. There are several types of hydroponic growing techniques,

           Nutrient film technique (NFT)

           Wick system

           Ebb and flow (flood and drain)
           Water culture

           Drip system

           Aeroponic system

                     I  would  like  to  explain  about  NFT,  which  is  a  hydroponic  technique,
                   where  a  very  shallow  stream  of  water,  containing  all  the  nutrients  re-
                   quired for plant growth, is re-circulated to the roots of the plants and it is
                   drained back to the reservoir through watertight channels. There are sev-
                   eral  variations  of  N.F.T  used  around  the  world  and  it  is  a  very  popular
                   method of growing plants ,hydroponically.

                   The first step in setting up your hydroponic garden, is selecting a system
                   that  best  fits  your  needs  depending  on  the  factors  such  as,  how  much
                   space you have, what you want to grow, the cost involved and how much
                   time you have available to maintain the  system.

                     In our School,  as a part of the eco-club’s activities we have introduced
                   N.F.T Hydroponics system. The model in our school is a simple miniature
                   hydroponic system coupled  with modern horticultural lighting where we
                   can grow plant at any time of the  year.

                     One important feature of our hydroponics unit is that we can dismantle it
                   easily. There is a movable stand hence we can place the system where ev-
                   er  we would want it located. The height of the light can be adjusted and
                   we     used T5 LED light. The white tank is the reservoir  of  dissolved
                   plant    nutrients  and  the  water  is  re-circulated  to  the  roots  of  plants
                   which  is  kept  in a net basket and drained back to the reservoir through
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