Page 19 - Cosmos Edition 3
P. 19

Regular checking of the system is mandatory.
            To check the water level
            Flow of water
            The pH of the water etc.
                 Observations have to be carried out by students and recorded  in  a  register
          under the guidance of a teacher. Jennifer Ann  Binu  of  Class  IX J who is an enthu-
          siastic, responsible and active member of the eco-club and    has contributed tre-

          mendously to the maintenance of the hydroponics system. We succeeded in grow-
          ing lettuce and spring onions in the hydroponics.
                 You may wonder why we chose to introduce the hydroponics in the school.
          We chose it because:

            It helps to create awareness about nature and importance of food in students.

            Team work

            Sense of responsibility

            Enhanced subject knowledge etc.

          Hydroponics comes with many incredible  benefits


            Many crops can be produced twice as fast in a well-managed hydro-
             ponic system.

            Production increases 3 to 10 times in the same amount of space.

            Lesser use of insecticide, and  herbicides.
          Every type of system has its disadvantages, and NFT is no exception. They are as

            A Hydroponic garden requires time and  commitment.

            A failing pump can kill the entire crop within a few hours.

            It does not work well with plants that have large tap-root systems.

            Roots growing in confined channels can clog the channels.

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