Page 22 - Cosmos Edition 3
P. 22


                 Q1) Name the scientist who declared that the earth revolves around
                     the sun.
                 a) SIR. Isaac Newton          (b) Galileo Galilei
                 (c) Nicolaus Copernicus     (d) Claudius Ptolemy
                 Q2) Who invented the logarithm tables?
                 (a) John Harrison             (b) John Doe
                 (c) John Napier                (d) John Douglas
                 Q3) Which scientist explained that the solar system is held together
                     by gravitational force?

                 (a) SIR. Isaac Newton           (b) Galileo Galilei
                 (c) Aristotle                        (d) Claudius Ptolemy
                 Q4) Name the branch of science that deals with the study of sound
                     and sound waves.
                 (a) Aeronautics                  (b) Acoustics
                 (c) Aerostatics                   (d) Aetiology
                 Q5) Who first measured the velocity of light?
                 (a) Albert Einstein             (b) Sir. Isaac Newton
                 (c) Galileo Galilei               (d) Ole Romer
                 Q6)  Name  the  doctor  who  first  performed  a  heart  transplant  in
                     South Africa in 1967?
                 (a) Christian Bernard      (b) Robert Edwards
                 (c) Patrick Steptoe          (d) Walton Lilehel
                 Q7) To  sounds  of which frequency are human  beings  most  sensi-

                 (a) 400 hertz                        (b) 20 hertz
                 (c) 20,000 hertz                   (d) 5,000 hertz
                  Q8) Name the scientist who is credited with the discovery of sodi-
                     um, barium, potassium and calcium?
                 (a) J. Berzelius                   (b) Humphrey Davy
                 (c) Marie Curie                  (d) W. Ramsay

                      1.(c),2. (c),3. (a),4. (b),5. (d), 6. (a),7. (d),8. (b)

                                                                                                                                                  - PRAJJWAL.L. HARAVE
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