Page 42 - cosmos4
P. 42

Since  long  robot  developers  have

                                                    been looking at nature for inspiration
                                                    while  developing  robot  mechanism
                                                    and RoboBee is a perfect example
                                                    of  the  same.  The  concept  of
                                                    RoboBee  was  first  conceived  by
                                                    mechanical  engineering  student
             Robert Wood in 1991. RoboBee is an autonomous drone robotic pollinator complete
             with GPS, high-resolution cameras and artificial intelligence. Its bottom is covered in
             horsehair and coated in a sticky gel. When it flies on to a flower, pollen grains stick
             to it before rubbing off on the next flower.


                  The latest version of the RoboBee can stick to walls, can fly, dive into the water,
                    swim around, and propel out of the water.

                  All those are tricky manoeuvres for RoboBee is based on larger amphibious
                    drones that manage those tricks.
                  RoboBee weighs in at mere 175 milligrams only. The tiny machine overcomes
                    forces of mass, volume, and surface tension that are completely different than

                    what a bird-sized robot must deal with.
                  The bot also requires a multimodal locomotive system (movement system) that

                    enables it to fly and swim.
                  The RoboBee is nearly 1000 times lighter than any other aerial-aquatic robot,
                    and this difference in scale is what’s kept decades worth of Harvard engineering

                    students busy with the design.
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