Page 38 - cosmos4
P. 38

Bacteriophage or just phage is the single deadliest being on earth.
             They  exist  everywhere  even  in  our  body  and  are  harmless  to
                                                      humans        but     deadly      to
                                                      bacteria.      These       phages
                                                      consist  of  a  head,  a  type  of
                                                      long neck and leg like fibers.
                                                      Their head contains their genetic material. In the
                                                      past,  a  small  cut  on  your  hand  or  even  bladder
                                                      infection  could  kill  you.  In  those  times,  bacteria
                                                      were the most impossible beings to destroy. They
                                                      kept  on  killing  more  people  until  we  found  a
                                                      solution.  Our  scientists  discovered  antibiotics.
                                                      People soon started consuming them and bacteria
                                                      slowly  went  unnoticed.  But, every  being  evolves
                                                      and  the  same  happened  to  bacteria  too.  They
                                                      evolved  and  stopped  responding  to  antibiotics.
                                                      They became Superbugs.

             Another problem with antibiotics is that they kill all the good and bad bacteria. This is
             where the bacteriophages come in. Bacteriophages are like programmed missiles
             targeted to kill only the bad bacteria.  So,

             how does a bacteriophage kill bacteria?
             The phages have a sort of a syringe at
             the bottom of their body. They inject it
             into  the  body  of  the  bacteria  and  start

             pumping  their  genetic  material  into  the
             bacteria. This material then forms new
             phages inside the bacteria. Very soon,
             the phages take complete control of the
             bacteria and kill it. Now a question might arise in your mind. If bacteria evolved and
             stopped responding to antibiotics couldn’t they evolve and stop responding to phages

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