Page 43 - cosmos4
P. 43

  The RoboBee represents a platform where the forces it experiences are

                    different than what we at human scale do.
                  Its tiny polymer wings which are designed to mimic real

                    insect wings are powered by small ceramic muscles that
                    convert electrical pulses into kinetic energy, making the
                    RoboBee the world’s smallest flapping wing aircraft.
                  The tiny robot uses piezoelectric  actuators, which are made out of strips of
                    ceramic that expand and contract when an electric field is applied.
                  To  achieve  lift-off  from  the  surface  into  the  air,  the  RoboBee  uses  a  small

                    electrolytic plate  that converts water into oxyhydrogen, a combustible fuel.

                                          Piezoelectric actuator used in RoboBee (ref 1)

                             Electrolytic plate that converts water into

                             oxyhydrogen (ref 2)  


             These flying microbots like RoboBee will play a highly
             beneficial  role  in  agriculture,  search  and  rescue
             missions,  surveillance  and  climate  monitoring.  For
             example, the technologies developed to manufacture
             such RoboBee could be used in the medical field to
             make  small  surgical  devices  for  endoscopic
             (procedure used in medicine to look inside the body)
             procedures.  As  our  food  production  needs  increase
             and the bee population potentially decreases, RoboBees are designed to be used by

             farmers to boost pollination and crop yields. They can also help increase genetic
             diversity and improve the quality of crops.
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