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P. 49

Virtual reality is the term used to describe a 3 dimensional,
             computer generated environment which can be explored and

             interacted with, by a person. That person becomes part of
             this virtual world or is immersed within this environment
             and whilst there, is able to manipulate objects or perform a
             series of action.

             In a short sentence, it is the use of computer technology to
             create a simulated environment. Unlike traditional user
                                                             interfaces, VR places the user inside an
                                                             Instead of viewing a screen in front of them,
                                                             users are
                                                             immersed and able to interact with 3D
                                                             Using VR exposure therapy, a person
                                                             enters a re-enactment
                                                             of a traumatic event. It has also been used
                                                             to treat
                                                             anxiety, phobias and depression. Virtual
             reality technology
             can provide a safe environment for patients to come into
             contact with things they fear, whilst remaining in a
             controlled and safe environment

             The advantages of Virtual Reality are:

             * Little or no risk
             *Safe and controlled
             *Realistic scenarios
             *Innovative and enjoyable
             *Suitable for different learning style
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