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“Kindergarten Day” is celebrated  to commemorate the birthday of Friedrich Wilhelm August Frobel  who was born in 1782. He started the first  Kindergarten  (which means garden for the children) in 1837, in Brandenburg ,Germany, fostering Frobel’s social experience for children which would allow them for a easy transition from home to school.Frobel laid a foundation for modern education recognizing that children learn through play and experience.

ISWK celebrated "Kindergarten Day" on 21st April 2016, organizing fun filled activities for all students of the Kindergarten who participated with great enthusiasm.

The bright , colourful ambience created specially for this day held the attention of each student.

It was indeed a "Happy Day" for all the children at Kindergarten. It brought a smile on each face. It was surely an unforgettable day for one and all.
