

Worksheet - VII 2023-2024 Social Science

No Title Teacher Date Document
1 W.S No 18. Class VII - Eighteenth Century Political Formations (Hist) Ria Karwani 04/Feb/2024 View
2 WS. No 19. Class.VII Human Environment Interactions The Tropical and the Subtropical Region (Geo) Shaziah 31/Jan/2024 View
3 W.S.No.17.Class VII.Human Environment Settlement Transport & Communication(Geo) Jane.G 23/Jan/2024 View
4 W S. No 16- Struggles for Equality (Civics) GEORGEKUTTY XAVIER 13/Jan/2024 View
5 WS. No.15 -Natural Vegetation and Wildlife (Geo) Shaziah 28/Nov/2023 View
6 W.S-No.14 Class -VII Markets around us.(Civics) Ria Karwani 27/Nov/2023 View
7 WS.No.13- Water (Geo) Jane.G 09/Nov/2023 View
8 WS No 12. Class VII-Understanding Media.(Civics) Shaziah 02/Nov/2023 View
9 W.S. No 10. Class VII. AIR-(Geo) Sreeja V 31/Oct/2023 View
10 W.S No 11 Class - VII Tribes, Nomads and Settled Communities (Hist) Renuka.R 31/Oct/2023 View
11 WS.9. Class VII. How the StateGovernmentWorks(Civics) Shaziah 09/Oct/2023 View
12 WS No 8 .Class VII. Towns, Traders and Craftspersons(Hist) GEORGE KUTTY 14/Aug/2023 View
13 W.S No 7 Class VII- Our Changing Earth (Geo) CELESTINE 09/Aug/2023 View
14 W.S.No 6 Class VII. State Government ( Role of the Government in Health) (Civics) Ria Karwani 29/May/2023 View
15 W.S.No.5.Class VII.Inside the Earth(Geo) RENUKA 16/May/2023 View
16 W.S.No.4.Class VII. Kings and Kingdoms.(Hist.) SREEJA.V 11/May/2023 View
17 W.S.No.3 Class -VII-Equality in Indian Democracry (On Equality) (Civics) JANE 26/Apr/2023 View
18 W.S. No.2. Class VII- Environment (Geo) GEORGE KUTTY 19/Apr/2023 View
19 W.S No 1.Class VII -Tracing Changes Through a Thousand Years (Hist) Celestine 12/Apr/2023 View