

Worksheet - VIII 2023-2024 Social Science

No Title Teacher Date Document
1 WS.No.18-Class VIII -India after Independence (Hist) Jane.G 06/Feb/2024 View
2 W.S. No.17.Class VIII- Public Facilities (Civics) Ria Karwani 25/Jan/2024 View
3 WS.No 16. Class VIII Human Resources.(Geo) Shaziah 13/Jan/2024 View
4 W S. No 15-The Making of the National Movement. 1870s-1947 (Hist) GEORGEKUTTY XAVIER 07/Dec/2023 View
5 W.S.No 14 -Industries- (Geo) Shaziah 28/Nov/2023 View
6 W.S.No.13- Agriculture (Geo) Ria Karwani 20/Nov/2023 View
7 WS.No-12-Class VIII-Civilizing the Native, Educating the Nation Jane.G 31/Oct/2023 View
8 W S. No 11- Understanding Our Criminal Justice System (Civics) GEORGEKUTTY XAVIER 22/Oct/2023 View
9 W.S. No.10. Class VIII- Judiciary (Civics) Ria Karwani 16/Oct/2023 View
10 WS.No.9-Mineral and Power Resources(Geo) Shaziah 09/Oct/2023 View
11 W S.No 8.Class VIII. Parliament and the Making of Laws (Civics) GEORGE KUTTY 14/Aug/2023 View
12 WS. No. 7-Class-VIII-When People Rebel 1857 and After (Hist) RIA 09/Aug/2023 View
13 WS. No 6 - Class VIII- Ruling the Countryside (Hist.) Jane.G 29/May/2023 View
14 WS. No 5 Class VIII- Land, Soil, Water, Natural Vegetation and Wildlife Resources (Geo). GEORGE KUTTY 15/May/2023 View
15 WS.No 4. Class VIII- From Trade to Territory (Hist) SHAZIYA 07/May/2023 View
16 W.S.No.3 Class.VIII.The Indian Constitution (Civics) JANE 19/Apr/2023 View
17 W.S-No.2 Class VIII-Resources (Geo) RIA 17/Apr/2023 View
18 W.S.No.1- How, When and Where (Hist) GEORGEKUTTY XAVIER 10/Apr/2023 View