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When  you  are  in  a  stressful  situation,  your nervous  system springs  into  action,
             releasing Adrenaline hormone that prepare you to either fight or take off. It's called
             the "fight or flight" response, and it's why, when you're in a stressful situation, you
             may notice that your heartbeat speeds up, your breathing gets faster, your muscles
             tense, and you start to sweat.

               Stress increases the amount of acid in the stomach, which leads to indigestion and
                heart burn.

               Stress can affect the immune system.

               Problems sleeping

               Headaches

             Before you get too stressed out about being “stressed out” there is some good news.
             Following some simple stress relief tips could both lower your stress and lower your
             health risks.

             It is said by William James psychologist “The Greatest Weapon against stress is our
             ability to choose one thought over another”
             Mindfulness is a great technique that can help reduce stress. Be Mindful in whatever
             you do

             Way to manage stress is

                  by limiting computer screen time and media exposure

                  “It is important to not let fear control your life.

                  Spend time with those you love

                  Meditate. As meditating helps in oxygen circulation and decreases acids formed
                    due to stress.

                  Listen to your favourite music.
                  Be kind to others and yourself.

                  So, give your stress wings and let it fly away.
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