Page 31 - cosmos4
P. 31

Use of robots in the world of science -

                                                     Bio-robotics is  an  interdisciplinary  science  that

                                                       combines  the  fields  of  biomedical  engineering,
                                                       cybernetics,  and  robotics  to  develop  new
                                                       technologies that integrate biology with mechanical

                                                       systems  to  develop  more  efficient  communication,
                                                       alter genetic information, and create machines that
                                                       imitate biological systems.

                                                       In simple words it is a field of robotics that deals with

                                                       biology for the creation of machines that imitate the
                                                       human working in the medical field.

             Now comes the real question, is Bio Robotics the next generation of medicine? The
             answer is simple; it could be, because in the 21  century we already have robots
             working in the field of science. Here are some examples:

                    CO-WORKER ROBOTS
                     This is already

                     commonplace.  Surgeries
                     already take place with
                     robots.  They have for many
                     years.  Laparoscopy is one
                     example of early robotics.


         Basically this is some of the most fascinating

         robotics work being done.  Imagine being able to

         put on a suit and apply some level of force on
         places inside that suit and have the suit perform

         a function for you. It’s like a watered down

         version of an ironman suit.  This can work
         wonders for people with neurological disorders

         like cerebral palsy or stroke or spinal cord injury.
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