Page 32 - cosmos4
P. 32

O1. Robots in South Korea

             Starting off, we have robots in South Korea, which are helping
             human beings by recording the temperatures of the people passing
             by. As we all know that having high temperatures is symptom of
             coronavirus. So, let’s know how this robot is helping us. This robot
             has  two  major  functions.  Number  one  -  this  robot  automatically  records  the
             temperature of visitors and can warn officials when a person’s temperature is too
             high. Number two-this machine can also disinfect the floor and release small amounts
             of fluid for people to clean their hands. When this machine finds out if individuals are
             too close, it warns them saying “please take part in social distancing”. It also detects
             if people are wearing face coverings. This machine also can disinfect 33-square-meter
             area in about 10 minutes.
             02. Robots in movie theaters

                                               Moving on, we have robots in movie theaters which help
                                               people/assist movie-goers in buying tickets and food, as
                                               well guiding them to their seats.

                                               03. Delivery vehicles/machines
                                               On  third  place,  we  have  food
                                               delivery robots. As we all know
             that contactless deliveries are more preferable these days.
             Robots have come into action for delivering food orders. For
             e.g. Starship-is a company which has designed vehicles to
             deliver food from your nearby restaurant to your doorstep. It
             can carry up to nine kilograms of weight. It also reduces
             human interaction in terms of social distancing and saves
             time as well. These robots called starships can deliver from
             groceries  to  your  favourite  food.  These  machines  are
             currently being operated in four countries - the United States, the United Kingdom,
             Germany, and Estonia.
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