Page 35 - cosmos4
P. 35

There needs to be a plant set up in the vicinity of fields so farmers can easily hand
             over  the  stubble.  Ethanol  is  produced  by  the  fermentation  of  sugars  by  certain
             microbes. Cellulose as in wheat stubble is a complex carbohydrate, hence it first
             needs to be broken down into simpler sugars.

             There are 4 basic steps involved in the production of cellulosic ethanol, which are as

                1.  Pre-treatment phase-
                    Here  the  cellulosic  material  that  is  wheat  stubble  is  made  amenable  to
                2.  Hydrolysis phase-

                    In this phase the cellulose is hydrolysed using celluloses enzymes to break the
                    molecules into sugars.
                3.  Fermentation phase-
                    Here the sugars are fermented to ethanol using bio-engineered bacteria.
                4.  Distillation and dehydration phase-
                    In this final stage 99.5% pure ethanol is produced.

                                               Countries  like  Denmark,  Canada  and  Australia  have
                                               already commercialised the product of cellulosic ethanol
                                               or next generation ethanol. We can do this too. This is

                                               a  very  good  method  of  using  this  waste  product  and
                                               converting it to an energy source. It can be mixed with
                                               petrol or diesel to make them cleaner fuels.
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