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             Abstract: Bioactive molecules have been documented
             since ages in providing medicinal benefits towards
             various ailments. Recent advances in biotechnological
             methods have expanded the use of naturally derived
             bioactive molecules in diverse applications apart from


             The demand of better and more potent molecules requires continuous exploration of
             biota from different parts of the world. The environmental conditions do have an
             impact on not only the quantity but also the potency of bioactive molecules. Arid
             regions have a peculiar environment where plants need a more robust self-defense
             system for survival. Such regions hold a promising array of bioactive molecules.

             There have been reports of some very interesting bioactive molecules from the
             Middle East. Oman is one such country that harbors huge unexplored species of
             flora and fauna.

             The country is abundantly rich in the marine, plant, microbial and animal
             ecosystems, with over 250 species of medicinal plants. This review provides

             collective information of the bioactive/phytoconstituent molecules reported so far in
             Oman from the plants, marine and other plant associated sources.
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