Page 9 - cosmos4
P. 9

A person’s likes, dislikes and wishes change and evolve with
             time according to which, they make noticeable changes in their
             lifestyle.  This  relentless  quest  to  fulfil  new  wishes  and  growing
             needs  has  pushed  human  kind  to  a  never-ending  hunt  for
             resources and money at the expense of their lifestyle and mental

             health.  This  distorted  work-life  balance  has  severely
             hampered  mental  well-being.  People  are  trapped  in
             comparison,             longing to earn more, to have all
             materialistic  comforts,  competition  with  everyone  they
             know, debts, inflation, mortgages, loneliness, growing lack
             of  empathy,  pollution,  junk  food,  poor  health  and  several  other  reasons  are
             responsible for approximately 15 -20 % population of the world being consumed by
             some sort of mental illness.

             Human life is no longer a simple life. In today’s world even, a small child goes through
             a lot of mental stress but we often don’t take
             notice of it. Materialistic accomplishments may
             fulfil our lives in a physical sense, but the quest
             for this may lead to many mental problems and
             lack of happiness after a while. When mental
             health  is  hampered,  one  is  unable  to  enjoy

             anything in their lives, that’s why mental health
             matters  so  much.  One  fine  example  is  the
             distorted mental health of most of the famous
             personalities who have everything- from fame,
             money, family, agents, privileges, etc., but still find no happiness in their lives.
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