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Dear ardent readers,

             We the department of science are exceedingly gratified to present before you the fourth
             edition of ‘COSMOS’ our very own science e-magazine. The Cosmos is the pioneer of
             the  science  e-magazine  in  Muscat.  ISWK  is  noted  not  only  for  its  excellence  in
             academics but also in co-scholastic activities as well. No stone is left unturned so that
             there is no compromise with the pre-eminence of the magazine.
             Aristotle has rightly remarked – “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not
             an act, but habit.” It is this habit that helps us to strive to maintain and further improvise
             each edition making it better than the previous one.

             In these testing times of COVID-19 when the entire world is facing adverse situation, our
             students  against  all  odds  have  been  making  most  of  this  difficult  situation.  Writing
             articles,  editing  them,  and  assembling  them  together  in  the  form  of  a  science  e-
             magazine.  The  scientific  temperament of the  students  can  be understood  from  their
             articles like ‘Humanoid Robot’, ‘Robotics and their importance in the world of science’
             and projects like ‘Arduino Line Following Robot’ which won the Solar Ambassador 2019.

             It is not that the students at ISWK are only tech-savvy but they are also sensitive to the
             cries of nature. In the article ‘Bio-ethanol production’ the student tries to find a solution
             the air pollution caused due to stubble burning every year. ‘Ciao Stress’ is another article
             which can keep us positive and stress free during these corona days.
             To say thank you is never inappropriate, and everyone loves to be appreciated. So we
             would like to size this moment to say big thankyou to all the students of the editorial
             board who have worked tirelessly round the clock to make this issue happen. We extend
             our gratitude to the School management committee for extending their support in all our
             extracurricular activity. Our Principal and Vice principal Thank you for being a source of
             inspiration. Thank you to the head of the department of Science for leading by example,
             giving honest feedback whenever required.
             We conclude with an inspirational quote from Antonio Brown – “The journey is never
             ending. There’s always going to be growth, improvement, adversity; you got to take it all
             in and do what’s right, continue to grow, continue to live in the moment”
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