Page 13 - cosmos4
P. 13


             Line following Robot is a robot which follows a line, either a black line on
             a white surface or a white line on a black. It uses an Infrasonic

             or Infrared Sensor which can automatically sense and overcome

             obstacles on its path. The use of the line following robot is to transport
             materials from one place to another place.

             Materials used :-
             Arduino UNO, Infrared Sensor, DC Motor, Aluminum Body, Motor Driver, Wires, Switches,

                     3v Battery x3, Coding

                                  Working :-

                                  Working of the Line Following Robot is related to reflection of light. We
                                    use the behavior of light at black and white surface. When light falls on
                                   a white surface it is almost reflected and in case of black surface light
                                is  completely  absorbed.  Here,  4  IR  Sensors  are  used.  2  sensors  for
                           following the line and 2 more for Obstacle detection.

             Applications :-

                 Industrial Applications: These robots can be used as automated equipment carriers
                    in industries replacing traditional conveyer belts.
                 Automobile applications: These robots can also be used as automatic cars running
                    on roads with embedded magnets.

                     This model was displayed by Humaidh Ahmed and Mohitha of class VIII-B in the
                     school competition Solar Ambassador 2019 and bagged first Position.
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