Page 14 - cosmos4
P. 14

Neuroscience  is  an  adverse  field  of  living
                                                        sciences. It is a multidisciplinary field in biology.
                                                        It  deals  with  anatomy,  physiology  and  various
                                                        other aspects of the neurons, nerves and other

                                                        parts  of  the  brain.  No  other  branch  of  biology
                                                        intrigues  the  human  mind  more  than
                                                        neuroscience. Neuroscience is an attempt of the
                                                        brain  to  unmap  itself!  The  brain  is  the  most
                                                        complicated organ in the human body.

      The brain has evolved through multiple stages of evolution to reach its present stage. This
      evolution is represented in the modern human brain itself. The innermost layer and the
      oldest layer is THE REPTILIAN BRAIN evolved when we were reptiles. This part of our
      brain makes us similar to the reptiles.  Next the middle layer THE MAMMALIAN BRAIN
      evolved as we transformed from reptiles into mammals and now what separates us from

      the reptiles and other mammals is THE CEREBRAL CORTEX. The neurons which are the
      building blocks or primary cells which make up the brain
      and the entire nervous system are spread all over the
      body  ,  but  are  highly  concentrated  in  the  brain  .  The
      presence of neurons is unique to animals as plants do

      not  have  them.  The  neurons  act  as  “messengers''.
      Neurons have special sites called synapses from which
      information  is  transmitted  to  one  another.  They
               communicate by sending neurotransmitters. The
               main aim of neuroscientists is to understand this

               complex network of neurons and synapses.
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