Page 15 - cosmos4
P. 15

The human brain has about 100 billion neurons and quadrillion synapses. This makes
             understanding the human brain a truly complicated and challenging task.

             Much of the neuroscientists work on understanding a rat brain as it is much similar to

             the human brain and is far less complicated. Humans have 430 times more neurons
             than  a  rat.  It  would  need  years  to  fully  map  a  human  brain  and  we  need
             supercomputers far more powerful than the ones we have in the present time. The
             space required to store the neural map of a human brain is estimated to be 500

             petabytes that’s like 5 times the space required by Facebook to store the information
             about its billion accounts worldwide! The hard drives needed to store the neural map
             of a human brain would require a building of 15 floors!

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